Since 1994, McK has been a leader communicating ideas and motivating teams to increase productivity.
Seminars featuring different speakers on a wide range of motivational, instructional and customized topics are available for public and corporate meetings. See our seminar website Strategic Seminars for more detailed information.
Executive Coaching for those executives who wish to have a whole person approach to executive coaching that will support and encourage executives and professionals to reach and maintain not only their best work but also their best life. Canadian Executive Coaching is our coaching website.
Clients of McK Consulting Inc. include Canadian and US governments, Ontario Government, municipalities, Fortune 500 and smaller corporations in the United States and Canada, members of the judiciary, physicians, lawyers, executives and the special needs community.
McK Consulting Inc. provides a wide range of business services across the United States & Canada. With the time-honored guild business model, we draw on a range of specialists to meet the need.
Publishing is done through one of our subsidiaries – Silverwoods Publishing.
McK Consulting was an Advanced IBM Business Partners certified in the training and technical support of IBM ViaVoice up to its final version ViaVoice 10.5 (earlier versions were VoiceType) to enable individuals to dictate to their computer rather than typing. This speech recognition software allowed high volume writers to dictate directly into their computers. This provided enhanced effectiveness and efficiency for the users. Grant’s clients included Justices of the Superior and Provincial Courts of Ontario, the Ontario Court of Appeal, the Governments of Canada and Ontario, leading physicians, educators, lawyers, senior executives with various Fortune 500 companies, Board members of IBM Canada, small business owners as well as an accessibility solution for the disabled. Grant Fairley of McK had his voice included in the development of the IBM ViaVoice speech engine.
Grant Fairley of McK was featured on the Talking To ViaVoice audio CDs and later the Talking To ViaVoice 10 DVD that demonstrated how to successfully adapt and use this speech recognition product. His training program was used around the world.
As an IBM Business Partner, McK was also involved in the early application of anti-virus and web development technologies.
McK Consulting Inc. served more than 50 websites in healthcare, business, the professions, businesses, entertainment, hotels and government. The work of McK was both in web design, development and maintenance. Grant Fairley developed a proprietary method of SEO (search engine optimization) which resulted in superior search results for the clients of McK across many different industries and types of organizations. McK continues to serve a select number of clients in providing website development, consulting and SEO services. McK also provides social media solutions for its clients in association with Hilmir Media. Grant teaches about digital marketing, the world wide web, social media and emerging technologies through Strategic Seminars.
For more information on our technology or other consulting services, please contact us by phone or email.
Over the years, McK Consulting Inc. has continued to serve as consultants to many businesses, government, educational and community organizations in the areas of business development, human resources, technology and healthcare.
McK has also been involed in the development of patents in technology and healthcare with patents in the United States, Canada, UK and Australia. Other patents pending. McK has also developed proprietary methods related to training and technology.